Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sustainablity Marketing Plan -- 3M Corporation Speech or Presentation

Sustainablity Marketing Plan -- 3M Corporation - Speech or Presentation Example Currently, it is one of the premier manufacturing corporations. The corporation manufactures diversified products including more than 60000 different products which are observed to dominate in their respective markets. The corporation operates with 81 manufacturing sites in 28 states in the United States of America. 3M operates in more than 133 manufacturing and converting facilities in over 60 nations globally (3M Company, â€Å"Inspired innovation†). The corporation is engaged in various technology oriented segments. It manufactures products for wide-range of industries such as transportation, healthcare, safety, security and protection services, consumer and office, displays and graphics as well as electro and communication businesses. In addition to this, the corporation sells its products through various channels such as through the involvements of distributors, wholesalers, retailers, dealers, as well as directly to the costumers nationally and internationally across the world (Reuters, â€Å"Profile: 3M Co (MMM)†). Thesis Statement The discussion intends to critically identify the initiatives of 3M Corporation for ensuring sustainable growth and economic progress. It also intends to provide sustainable marketing plan for the corporation keeping in consideration the integral aspects such as promotion. Marketing Mission and Corporate Sustainability 3M Corporation is a global manufacturer and technology innovator successfully operating across the world primarily in six different operation segments. The corporation’s prime mission is to earn customer loyalty and respect by effectively differentiating it from its competitors. Moreover, the company is determined to operate with uncompromising authenticity and integrity in its all operational activities. It also aims at satisfy diverse customers with innovative technologies and superior quality products and services. Furthermore, it intends to place deep respects for its investors and provi de them high and attractive returns through sustainable and global growth. The corporation in relation to its mission concentrates on continuous development of social, physical and economic environment around the world. Least but not last, the company intends to develop employees skills and leadership qualities through its continuous initiatives (3M Company, â€Å"Sustaining Future†). The corporation’s sustainability strategies are primarily focused on customers’ satisfaction and its overall commercial success within social, economic and environmental values and frameworks. Its strategies are directed towards promoting healthy environment and safety measures at its different locations worldwide. The corporation’s sustainability strategies also emphasize on pollution prevention endeavors through continuous development of new and efficient technologies and products to be offered to its wide range of customers. As a part of its sustainability strategies its focuses on acquiring and retaining a pool of competent and skilled workforce as

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