Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Diverse Workforce Essay Example for Free

Diverse Workforce Essay Diversity means variety of something such as opinion, color, or style. It means discrepancy between two objects being compared. When workforce is combined, then it means different kind of workers working in the same company or industry. The differences or discrepancy can be laid in terms of age, sex, education, styles, race and others. Diverse workforce can be seen when a company has workers that have different roles, characters, profession, department, culture, color, race, and other criteria. In an automobile company, there are engineers, accountants, sales representatives, mechanics and other kind of personnel. This kind of setting shows how diverse workforce is being implemented by a company. For this paper, the objective is to explore and analyze the value of diversity of workforce. Specifically, the paper will determine the value of diversity in a restaurant and bar setting. The paper will try to justify if diverse workforce will be advantageous in the said industry. Diverse Workforce There are many companies that implement diverse workforce. One of these companies is McDonalds. McDonalds is the worlds community restaurant. According to the management of the company, they are proud of their long-standing commitment to a workforce that is diverse. They believe that development and maintenance of diverse workforce will lead to the strengthening of the McDonalds system. Moreover, the company emphasize that diversity at McDonalds includes the understanding, recognizing and valuing the differences that make each person unique. In diverse workforce, the company will able to foster innovation and creativity to better meet the needs of our diverse staff and guest base. The said workers settings will lead to sustain a competitive advantage, thus there must be a continuance to improve the productivity of our workforce by creating an inclusive environment where all staff members contribute fully and stay committed to serving and expanding the communities. Companies thought that in diverse workforce, every worker are having the chance to learn one another (Friedman, 2008). Diverse workforce environment will encourages inclusion, as it adds value to the given company or organization. The value is evident in every aspect of the organization: new ideas and perspectives, motivation, buy-in, retention and new sources of talent. Diverse workforce environment recognizes the value of a business environment that embraces individual differences, including those among our guests, employees, business partners and all others in the communities in which it operates, and is committed in creating and maintaining such an environment. This commitment is based upon the recognition and belief that diversity is critical to our ability to excel in an increasingly diverse and dynamic marketplace But what are the reasons why companies and industries tend to implement diverse workforce? It is evident that almost companies employee workers that have the same classification, meaning if a company is automobile manufacturing in nature, then it will employee more mechanical engineers because they are the one who are more specialize in this kind of industry. From the given statement, we can state that companies that does not implement diverse workforce has specific workers or they are specialize in their given profession while those who are not have general workforce (Chatman, 1998). People live in an age of knowledge, and firms that succeed are those that are best able to harness the collective knowledge of their employees. The collective knowledge of any group is enhanced by including people with different experiences and backgrounds. The knowledge of a homogeneous group consisting of, say, 100 white males with similar backgrounds remind one of the remarks often made about someone’s so-called vast experience (Chatman, 1998). Diverse Workforce Advantages (Detailed) For this part of the paper, detailed analysis will be done to explore the advantages of diverse workforce in a restaurant or bar business setting. When you care for a diverse population, a multicultural workforce can only strengthen costumer care quality. When someone wants to put up a restaurant or bar, that person must consider that his or her costumer consist of different people from different countries. This is an important factor as it widens the possible costumer of the said business. Thus, the products and services offered must be able to cater all possible costumers. For this, the kitchen part of a bar will hold big responsibility in achieving this goal. The kitchen must consist of workers with different duties and responsibilities. Every worker in the kitchen must have a specialization, meaning that there will be cooks, dishwashers, waiter and other roles. The cooks must have a wide range of expertise, meaning that they will not concentrate only in one menu, but must consider the variety of costumers to be able to serve what the costumer wants. The cooks must be from different countries because it combines the individual knowledge and experience to make up a better cook group. It is important to consider that individuals with different backgrounds, different ideas, and different life experiences will strengthen the team they belong. Because the proposed restaurant and bar must cater all walks of life, then there is a need of diverse workforce. This is because every idea of the workers will somehow create an opportunity to share their opinions to have higher quality food and services. The setting of the tables and chairs is one issue to be settled. The formation of tables and chairs must attract possible costumers to increase profit. But to have a better presentation of the chairs and tables, every personnel must have an opinion on to what is the best presentation of the chairs and tables (Tsui et al, 1992). Every worker will have different style and preference in connection with the arrangement of chairs and tables. With this, the owner must integrate all the opinions and will come up with a good formation (Stata, 1989). Politeness in the workplace must be expected and is imposed externally by any organization wishing to remain competitive. It is important to consider that there is a variation in culture of the workers thus they will have different traits and qualities when working. But there is higher level of success that emerges from harnessing the power of mutual respect and cross-cultural understanding. Mutual respect must spring from the internal structures of each individual. For this to truly capture the culture of the organization this must cascade down from the senior leadership to every level of the organization enhancing creativity, productivity and an emotionally safe environment (Wong, 2008). Another way where the advantage of using diverse workforce is seen is Conclusion After analyzing diverse workforce in a restaurant and bar business setting, the paper suggest that indeed diverse workforce has the reputation for integrity, quality and innovation and this will depends on the ability to transform the diverse experiences, perspectives and ideas of the employees into outstanding and high quality food serving catering services. As a concluding statement, two heads are better than one. The said statement can be applied in the main topic as it discusses the advantages of using diverse workforce over a homogenous workforce setting. It’s like a spider that has eight hand but all these hands work together to achieve something. Working in a diverse workforce environment makes bigger and challenges everyones business world. Gender, race, generational issues and other layers cause all to take a brand new look at personal prejudices and narrow-mindedness. At the same time, each new layer provides another wonderful opportunity to seek to understand before seeking to be understood. References: Friedman, H. H. (2008). Workplace Diversity: The Key to Survival Growth. Brooklyn College of the City University of New York Chatman, J. A. , J. T. Polzer, S. G. Barsade, and M. A. Neale (1998). â€Å"Being Different Yet Feeling Similar: The Influence of Demographic Composition and Organizational Culture on Work Processes and Outcomes. † Administrative Science Quarterly, vol.43, 749-780. Stata, R. (1989). Organizational Learning The Key to Management Innovation, Sloan Management Review, Spring, 63-74. Tsui, A S. , T. D. Egan, and C. A. O’Reilly III (1992). â€Å"Being Different: Relational Demography and Organizational Attachment. † Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 37, 549 – 579. Wong, H. A. (2008). Best practices in Diversity strategies and initiatives. National Diversity Conference, H Z Wong Associates Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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