Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Paradoxical Twins: Acme and Omega Electronics

The Paradoxical Twins: Acme and Omega Electronics Prepared by Samuel Jackson Rene smith Pedro curiz Tomm Brown for Dr. Jordan MAN 701 – Organizational Design and Theory School of Business/Graduate Studies Barry University Miami Gardens, Fla. Term A2/Spring, 2006 March 25, 2006 Case Summary: In 1986 a Cleveland manufacture bought Technological Products and subsequently sold the electronics division to separate investors that manufactured computer chips and printed circuit boards. One of the investors renamed their company Acme Electronics and the other investor renamed their company Omega Electronics, Inc. The Acme company retained its original management team and promoted the general manager to president. The Omega company hired a new president and upgraded several of its existing personnel. Both companies are located in the same geographical area and compete for the same contracts. Acme employs 550 people, whereas the Omega employs 480 people. In the 1990s, production of complex circuit boards by Acme and Omega was threatened by mixed analog and digital devices. Both companies realized the pending threat and started to aggressively seek new customers. In July of 1992, a major photocopier manufacturer was looking for subcontractors to assemble digital memory units for a new experimental copier. The project contract was estimated between $7 million to $9 million in sales. Both Acme and Omega submitted competitive bids for the production of units and both companies were selected to produce 100 units. The photocopier manufacturer explained to both companies that production speed was a critical element of the contract and that each company would only have about two weeks to produce the prototypes or risk delaying the final copier production. On July 13, 1992 the Acme company started ordering the necessary the parts and began production on the memory units. Each department worked separately and encountered problems that led to delays in the production cycle. Two days prior to the delivery date the photocopier manufacturer informed Acme that the rival company Omega had discovered a design flaw in the connector cable and that he would be sending over a new blueprint to re-work the memory units. According to the photocopier manufacture, Acme would still be held to the delivery date. On July 10, 1992, Omega started having meetings to get production underway. Within days the Drafting department prepared blueprints, while the engineering and production departments work together to begin methods design. However, on July 20 Omega discovered a design flaw in the connector cable. The engineering department redesigned the cable and the drafting department finalized the changes in the manufacturing prints. The additional delays in reassembly of the units at Acme caused them to deliver the 100 units late. However, Omega completed a full quality inspection of all 100 units and delivered the final units on time. The photocopier manufacturer split the contract between Acme and Omega and included additional provisions stipulating zero defects and reduced final cost. Ultimately, the Acme reduce it overall cost by 20 percent and won the total contract. Summary Recommendation: The Omega company should consider redesigning its organizational structure to become more functional in design in order to take advantage of economies of scale; in-depth skill knowledge and overall efficiency. The company should implement organization charts with clearly define job duties and responsibilities so employees fully understand their role in the organization. Also, the management team should used formal written communication to covey project expectations and a sense of urgency to complete the assignment within the allotted time frame. Case Analysis: The Acme Company appears to be designed around being efficient and task oriented in order to be a high volume manufacturer. The company has detailed organizational charts and job descriptions which define clear responsibilities. Management believes in providing written communication to achieving the task at hand. In fact, as soon as the company received the blueprints management immediately sent out written communication to all department heads and executives indicating the critical constraints and the expectations of performing efficiently. Based on the organizational structure, each department worked independently and at different speeds. Mr. Tyler, President was developing a relationship with the photocopier manufacturer by keeping in telephone contact and trying to learn of new developments. The Acme strategy has traditionally been to keep the client happy. In a time of crisis, Mr. Tyler was able to give direct orders and instruct certain departments to reconfigure the components as needed. At the same time critical decisions were made to skip normal quality control processes to stay on course. Ultimately, the company generated 90 quality made units with 10 being defective. On the other hand, the Omega Company appears to be designed around the team work approach to achieve production goals. The company does not have organizational charts and management believes that all employees should be familiar with various activities throughout the organization. Also, management does not allow written memos to the staff employees. Once the company received the blueprints management began having meetings to discuss the production method instead of dividing up the specific work assignments to achieve. The engineering and production departments pooled resources to work on the methods design. On the positive side, most of the problems identified within Omega’s production cycle were resolved quickly and overcome by the team effort approach. In the time of crisis and rapid changes needed to produce a quality product the company was able to effectively work as a team. Ultimately, the company delivered a high quality product with no defects and within the required time frame. Alternative Identified: Since, Omega is relatively small with only a few product lines the first alterative would be for the company to be more formal in its organizational design and structure, which includes organizational charts and well defined job responsibilities in order to become more efficient and reduce cost. Recommendation: First, Omega needs to restructure the company within the next three to six months. Implement a functional organization chart that has a well define hierarchy. Next, Omega needs to immediately implement a formal communication process throughout the organization to provide clear guidance and management expectations to reduce wasted manpower and maximize available staff resources. The Omega Company should consider sending out memos to show the significant time constraint of each job deadlines and definitely continue the company’s meeting process before productions. The Acme Company needs to meet with multiple employees involved in the workflow to prevent any complication to appear during productions. Acme should require each employee to have some sort of knowledge of everyone functions in the organizations. Perhaps, have a day dedicated to altering each employee positions to have a vivid understanding of their job titles. This would slow down further delay in production if a crisis occurs. Furthermore, it’s best that Acme improve the communication flow between the actual employees.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Comparison of Two Leaders

His upbeat personality and gentle style has made him one of the great leaders of the NFG. Although Ben Franklin lived a very long time ago, people still speak highly of the man and his accomplishments. English historian Lewis Simpson stated about Franklin that he was â€Å"always terse, luminous, simple, pregnant with meaning, [and] eminently persuasive† (Stout 613). Eugene Weber describes Franklin as â€Å"urbane, tactful, [and] dedicated† (Weber 19). Franklins good humor and outgoing personality helped him to be elected and selected for many different public offices during his life.Franklin was a man of few failings, but the ones he had caused him some serious trouble. While serving as the envoy to England, he would not listen to public opinions about America that did not fit with his views (Weber 19). This got him into trouble with the English and he left the country bitter towards Its citizens. Franklin also spent many years from home and away from his family. HIS r elationship with his son deteriorated until his son joined the British to fight against America and his father. Although I could not find anyone who had anything bad to say about Tony Dungy, he, eke Franklin, spent a lot of time away from home.NFG coaches spend many long hours at the office and many days away from home. This time away caused strains in his family relationships and may have been a contributing factor in the suicide death of his son Jamie In 2005 (Morning 34). When it comes to leadership styles both men continue to have a lot in common. Tony Dung's leadership style is a blend of both consideration and initiating structure styles. Tony likes to work with his followers leading them in the correct direction, but he also gives them lee way to make their own decisions.When off the field he uses a lolling approach to maintain order and keep his players in line. Jim Caldwell, Tony's Mentor Leader†. In the example Jim recalls Tony telling players to be good role models while showing clips of athletes that had run against the wrong side of the law (Dungy VII-VIII). While on the field he would use various styles from telling, to selling, and even a participating style allowing players to give input on what play to run next. It is this intense relational style that caused Jim Caldwell to declare that Tony Dungy leadership DNA perfectly fit the description off Level 5 leader (Dungy ‘X). WhileDung's leadership style was a blend, Franklin adjusted his leadership style to fit his role. While in public office Franklin displayed a directive style of leadership to get the job done. When working with the other leaders of the new America, Franklin took on an Advisory role (Lane 42). He used his wit and wisdom to guide and advise them through the new challenges that now faced them. He also used an advisory role while serving as envoy to England and France. In conclusion I would like to answer the question if they could have switched places in time. Even putting aside the vast difference in time and the fact that an AfricanAmerican would not have been accepted in Franklins position, I think the answer is no they could not have switched. Though both men exemplify what it is to be a leader, their roles in history and on those around them were very different. Franklin is an extrovert and enjoyed the public eye while Dungy is an introvert and would find it difficult to be around that many people all the time. Franklins fame is inexorably tied to his inventions as well, something Dungy could not have duplicated. Franklin, although fond of sports and the outdoors, I don't would have been happy in Just one career as a NFG coach.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Improving democratic boundaries through the internet Essay

Introduction The internet has changed the way many things are done. The traditional methods have been scrapped and newer more efficient and effective means are constantly being offered through and on the internet. The unique ability of the internet to render geographical boundaries obsolete allows anyone to access an almost infinite pool of information and to also share that information without regulation or control (Kalir 2002). The speed with which this information and exchange of ideas is facilitated by the internet makes it a potent medium for democratic plans. Given these benefits and advances that the internet has offered, it comes as no surprise then that the internet has also allowed democratic boundaries to improve by allowing for better communication and exchange of ideas. This discourse on the effect of the internet on improving the democratic boundaries will therefore attempt to show that the ability of the internet to bypass traditional boundaries and barriers to a free exchange of ideas and information has improved democratic boundaries despite the attempts of government to restrain or control this medium. Bypassing Traditional Boundaries As mentioned previously, the internet allows any person to access information from any place and also access any information available online. The ability of this medium to encourage the free exchange of ideas between people of any race or culture makes it easier to cross and overcome whatever boundaries may have been set in place traditionally (Lessig 2000). â€Å"Digital Democracy† which is the â€Å"use of digital communication technologies to enhance the democratic process by, among other things, making the process more accessible, increasing and enhancing citizen participation in public policy decision making, and increasing government transparency and accountability† plays a vital role in bypassing these traditional boundaries and improving the existing democratic boundaries by inviting democratic participation (Lim 2006). One of the reasons why the internet has been so successful at bypassing and improving these barriers is because of the fact that through the internet, â€Å"convergence† is achieved at a relatively low cost (Mitchell 2002). This means that people from all walks of life are not necessarily constrained by finances and such as to hamper or inhibit them from participating in the democratic process or in digital democracy. This in effects allows for a more mixed lot of participants and allows for a richer exchange of ideas and a greater participation from a wider demographic base (Lim 2006). Put simply, the relatively low cost of access to the internet at the present allows for more people to participate and also increases the amount of information available that is vital to the success of â€Å"digital democracy:† The greater scope for freedom, autonomy, creativity, and collaboration that the internet provides makes it a successful tool in bypassing the traditional boundaries and constraints that have prevented people in participating in the democratic process and thus by providing for such the existing democratic barriers are improved. Free Exchange of Ideas and Information Governments realized that as the internet was maturing there would be a need to control and regulate access to the internet as well as to control the content of the information on the internet (Simon 2001). Most of the regulations however have proven to be ineffective as more and more people were able to find means to bypass them (see bypassing traditional boundaries) and thus led to the formation of â€Å"social movements† on the internet which is a key to the improvement of democratic boundaries (Lim 2006). Social movements are broad social alliances of people who are connected through a shared interest in blocking or promoting social change (Trippi 2004). On the internet, with the amount of information available and the number of people participating, it is but a natural result that people who share similar beliefs form their own â€Å"societies† or those who do not have any firm beliefs are able to find something which they do subscribe to. According to Lim, â€Å"The ability of the internet to provide many people access to forums for deliberation on a range of public issues and the involvement of decision-makers in online forums assure participants that their voices will be heard. Their efforts contribute to building a new public sphere where rationality rules, citizen voices are heard, and public officials heed the demos. (Lim 2006)† By allowing more people to participate and exchange ideas freely, support for proper movements to improve the democratic situation of any state, can quickly be generated thus ensuring the success of the democratic process. Yet as pointed out by one writer, the limitations of such actions are still determined by the effective sphere of influence and control of the government over the geographical and political terrain (Barlow 2001). Improving Democratic Boundaries As shown by the arguments above, the internet indeed improves democratic boundaries and presents the opportunity to eventually create a world democracy. The boundaries that have traditionally existed to bar or hinder any interaction between peoples has been bypassed by the internet and thus allowing more people to interact with each other and to mobilize despite the geographical distances of each other. The convergence that this allows makes the generation of any support necessary to improve the democratic process easier and also allows for access to a larger support base. Another factor which has led to the success of the internet in improving democratic boundaries is the fact that it allows for faster and more exchange of information. This then allows more people to interact with each other and also form â€Å"social movements†. These social movements allow people to voice out their ideas collectively and thus improving the chances that their rights are not suppressed and that their voices are heard. The future of democracy on the internet is bright indeed. With the number of people and countries that have access to internet increasing, it is guaranteed that the democratic process will survive despite attempts of certain governments (China) at regulating this medium (Longworth 2001). Still, time and again, it has been shown that whatever controls and regulations governments attempt to set in place have always been bypassed thus ensuring that the future for democracy lies in the internet, in cyberspace. References: Barlow, J. (1996). A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. Retrieved November 2, 2006, from http://www. eff. org/~barlow/Declaration-Final. html. Davis, S. , Elin, B. and Reeher, G. (2002). Click on Democracy: The Internet’s Power to Change Political Apathy into Civic Action. Boulder CO: Westview Press. Kalir, E. and Maxwell, E. (2002). Rethinking Boundaries in Cyberspace. The Aspen Institute: Communications and Society Program. Lessig, L. (2000). â€Å"Innovation, Regulation, and the Internet. † American Prospect 11, no. 10. Retrieved November 2, 2006, from http://www. prospect. org/print/V11/10/lessig-l. html Lim, M. and Kann, M. (2006). Democratic Deliberation and Mobilization on the Internet. Annenberg Center for Communication University of Southern California. Longworth, R. (2001). â€Å"Government Without Democracy. † American Prospect 12, no. 12. Retrieved November 1, 2006, from http://www. prospect. org/print/V12/12/longworth-r. html. Mitchell, W. (1995). City of Bits: Place, Space, and the Infobahn. Retrieved November 2, 2006, from http://cyber. law. harvard. edu/people/reagle/inet-quotations-19990709. html. Simon, L. (2001). Democracy and the Internet: Allies or Adversaries? Woodrow Wilson Center Press. Trippi, J. (2004). The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Democracy, the Internet, and the Overthrow of Everything. Regan Books. â€Å"Political Influentials Online in the 2004 Presidential Campaign. † (February 5, 2004). Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet, Graduate School of Political Management, George Washington University.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Stereolithography and photo polymerisation Essay

Stereolithography and photo polymerisation - Essay Example Some of the advantages associated with Stereolithography include its low costs, production of durable objects, efficiency and its high precision (BÃ ¡rtolo). Basically, the process of building an object using the Stereolithography entails the creation of a 3 – D model of the object using a desired CAD software, using a software such as lightyear in slicing the produced 3 – D model into series of horizontal slices (Thin slices). An ultraviolet sensor then scans the photosensitive resin’s top layer thus hardening it (Miles, Cillo and Sinn). This builds a new layer which is then attached and lowered below the surface covering the distance of one layer. A new layer is then coated on top of the previously scanned layer and the process repeated till the final product is produced. In the process of printing, a laser is used in drawing the models layers, each at a time, to a photopolymer resins and in the process, each layer is cured at a time. In this process, there is projection of light beam – UV light – in form of a laser on the resin at a specific point and as a result, the parts of the resins reacts and then solidifies. This is then followed by the laser drawing the object’s cross-section resulting in a hardened layer (Newnes). As seen in the above description of the process of the construction of an object using Stereolithography method, it can be seen that light plays an important role in the solidification of the photosensitive resins. The above description is based on a construction using the laser lithography (Stereolithography) but this can be achieved, also, using other technologies such as the Photo – Mask technology. The creation of objects using these technologies is based on the principle of Photopolymerisation. This section of the paper is dedicated to provide in - depth research on the principal of operation of Photopolymerisation. Photo – induced polymerization, otherwise known as Photopolymerisation involves the absorption of Ultra

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final Exam - Assignment Example esses in a way but there should be clear, well-defined, and realistic goals, even if those goals are limited to one aspect of life or restricted to one region of the world. The fact is that these movements are able to fulfill their goals (Schulze, 2002). Promote and establish various training programs to educate women and men, Muslim and non-Muslim, on the principles of gender equality and social, economic, and political justice in Islam. The majority of Muslim women are marginalized from the legal and power structures. Thus there are needs and concerns of women arising from their daily struggles to be addressed in local laws and customs. Customs have to be changed in ways that increase women’s life options, the goal of the process by strengthening of the religious and ethnic or national community. Moreover, questions of sexual morality, marriage and family life, divorce, custody, inheritance has to be addressed (Wagner, 2007). There is a change in Attitudes toward Democracy. There are many countries encompassed by Muslim around the globe. Research has shown that Muslim religious and politics are mostly influence by their ideologies, political and legal orientations which is also true to other religions. Muslim preferred forms of government, attitudes toward human rights, community agendas and relations to terrorism have been viewed as tendency for violence. Muslim societies should try to alter this perception and find ways of falling within democratic values spectrum and reject violence by those that oppose democracy. This strategy can help policymakers identify potential partners in the Muslim world who may cooperate in promoting democracy, stability and countering the influence of extremist and violent groups (Schulze, 2002). Muslim societies should discourage radical activities in their corresponding areas. This is because in some nations there are several developments that have been made over time in attempting to intensify Islamic radicalism. For example

Public Policy in the UK Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Policy in the UK - Assignment Example Poverty was described as the economic state of â€Å"all the people without income from property or profession and therefore dependent on their manual labor for a living† (Cowherd. 1977; pp.1-2). These poor were distributed across the land and were not clustered together and therefore could not be organized.   The problems arose from rapid urbanization and clustering of demographic units around major industrial centers after the industrial revolution. This increased the visibility of the poor and their destitution, so poignantly documented in Dickensonian literary genre,   on one hand, and led to coalescing of poor into the extra-state organization like trade unions etc. on the other hand. Repression of organized poor during ‘the period between the French Revolution and the later 1820s should be of severe repression as reflected in Combination Acts and the use of Military Force to quell Luddites in 1812’ (Daunton. 1995). However this repressive regime was seen to be counterproductive and it can be seen that ‘from the mid-1830s   to 1850s the repression eased out and major advances for working-class organizations such as trade unions, cooperative societies and friendly societies’ emerged (Crafts.1997). This trend shows that Public Policy response had tacitly admitted the political legitimacy of the organized poor. This admission also meant that an appropriate response was to be given at the state level to demands of organized poor. This point on the historical space-time continuum can be termed as the beginning of welfare policy in the UK. Another dimension of change in the perception of policy makers relates to the impact of Laissez-fare economic policy. ‘By 1830s income and real wages increased and civil rights improved markedly but there was a perceptible decline in mortality conditions and heights, indicating a decline in living conditions of the poor’ (ibid). This presented a new policy paradox to the deci sion makers. The existing belief about the correlation between income increase and the general state of living was not materializing. The state needed to review its bystander status according to Laissez-fare non-intervention principles. The side-effects of Capitalism were becoming starkly observable.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Physical Theatre Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Physical Theatre Journal - Essay Example Examining the relationship of the theatre to different parts of the performance can create a different understanding of how the expressions in physical theatre established. In traditional theatre, the main component is to use dialogue and monologue to express different ideologies. This tradition is able to express different components and brings out the main identity within the theatre. In physical theatre, the words are secondary to the actions and physical expressions that are taken. The words are only used to support the actions that are taken and to exemplify the identity which is taken through the physical movements. For the physical theatre to work effectively, one has to understand the qualities of words through physical movement, as opposed to the expected description of the word. For instance, if one wants to express the idea of wisdom, then the physical movements will need to show this and place metaphors and similes that are expressed through the body. The text then becomes a supporting role that allows actors and actresses to interpret a given idea and form (Callery, 2001). The text that is associated with the physical aspects is one which makes the writer redundant in the creation of ensemble work. Since the work is only used to define the physical aspects, the writer no longer holds the same place within the establishment of the work. The main component which establishes this is the combination of intertextuality and intratextuality. The intertextuality comes from the writer and is used only as a guideline to establish the main work which is occurring. The intratext is how this is established within a given environment. According to Robin Arthur, director of physical theatre, the entertainment was one which allowed the text to be used and re-used. The single line of text, when going into the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10

Book Review - Essay Example The author has described how the hormonal changes in different stages of woman’s life create different physical and behavioral changes in her and how these changes help her to cope with different roles that she plays at in her life. The book â€Å"The Female Brain† is a good book for understanding the difference in brain structure and hormones of women and men. However, the dramatic and the magazine like style of writing make the book lose the ‘depth’ of the subject matter. Hence, even though the book gives some meaningful and important facts about the female brain, the repetitive nature of the information makes the book lose its grip on the reader. After reading the whole book, the reader feels that the author had only few things to discuss about the female behavior and everything else was added just to increase the pages of the book. The essence of the book is the effort by the author to reveal that woman’s emotions, values, desires, decisions and the perception of reality are hugely influenced by the neurological effects caused by the hormones. The hormones that influence women’s brain and men’s brain are different and hence, their behavioral pattern, emotional pattern and thinking pattern are different. The author has discussed how the three major hormones of estrogen, dopamine and oxytocin influence woman’s mind and body to develop the ‘feminine’ qualities in her. The book reveals how estrogen is responsible for unique qualities like empathy and intuition in women. Women have a natural tendency to read emotions in body language, seek social interaction, trust others and remain loyal. According to the author, these qualities are unique to women because estrogen makes them seek social interaction and emotional bonding. The presence of the hormone oxytocin makes women tru st others easily. Hormone dopamine is responsible for craving of sex and love in women. On the other hand, as the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Gender violence and human rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Gender violence and human rights - Essay Example X was too scared to go back, she was scared her husband and his family would kill her. After hearing about Newham Asian Women's Project from a friend, X came to see us at the Advice Service. We tried to find a refuge space for X but none was available, particularly as X did not have access to public funds in the UK due to the nature of her spousal visa. For centuries and millennia, women had been suffering the brunt of physical abuse by their spouses in grim silence. But as shocking as it may sound to us, domestic violence never even was much of a social issue until the advent of the feminist movement in the 1970's. The myth of family harmony and bliss exploded as the ugly face of domestic violence was finally exposed. It was only in the late 60's and early 70's that the enormity of this problem started coming to light, thanks to the vehement articulations of women's groups bringing the issue out of closet and into the public awareness. The struggle for change and transformation in the lives of all women was the hallmark of the feminist movement which emerged in the UK and the US at the end of the wildly rebellious decade of 1960's. The awareness of and the movement for abused women gradually went global (Dobaash and Dobash, 2001). On the basis of this spreading awareness of women's abuse in home settings, feminist activists sought social and political change, urging the state to intervene in order to provide support and relief for the abused women. Since then a lot of progress has been made that militated against domestic violence. As can be surmised from the case study cited above, there is presently a very impressive degree of support available for victims of domestic abuse in the UK. On a more basic level, however, the prevalence of domestic violence even within the Western countries can be seen to be raging unabated. On the one hand, there have been many radical changes beginning with the increasing recognition and acknowledgement of this problem over the past couple of decades, this awareness in itself being a phenomenon of fundamental importance in tacking the issue. The fact that it is becoming increasingly unacceptable for a man, in the common ethos of the society, to use physical or sexual violence against his female partner, is in itself an impressive achievement. However, on the other hand, in spite of the positively changing ethos and perceptions, a favourable justice system, policy intervention, and the tremendous support provided by social service and voluntary agencies, the actual extent of the problem continues to be a major concern for feminists, human rights activists, and all responsible

Friday, August 23, 2019

List 5 notable strikes and the following factors Essay

List 5 notable strikes and the following factors - Essay Example However, during this period beginning 1890, the business started experiencing an economic downturn, as were other manufacturing companies, whereby the market price of steel products went down thereby reducing the amount of profits. As a result, the general manager, Henry Frick, proposed a plan to reduce the cost of production by lowering wages and forcing workers to break ranks with the AA, which did not go down well with the workers (Krause, 1992). Without AA’s presence, Frick felt that he would be in full control of the human resources. As a result, the employees embarked on a strike, which lasted for approximately 4 months. The workers, during this period, were involved in an armed conflict with the Pinkertons, who were armed men hired by Frick to suppress the strikers, a conflict which contributed to the death of 9 workers and 7 Pinkertons while several others suffered bullet injuries. At the end of these confrontations, the workers were defeated and they had to accept the terms set down by Frick in order to be allowed to continue working in the company while the leaders of the strike were fired and subjected to court proceedings though no one was sent to prison (Krause, 1992). The Pullman Strike of 1894 As stated earlier, the early 1890s was a period of economic downturns and most of the industries were affected (Salvatore, 1999). The Pullman Palace car Industry, based in Pullman, Illinois, was one of those companies, which suffered reduced revenues as a result of low demand for their products, which basically included train cars. As a counter measure, the management decided to cut wages and thereafter gave deaf ear to the workers complaints, which included low wages, overworking and high cost of living. As a result, more than 3000 employees of the company decided to go on strike, which was later supported by the American Railway Union, which significantly increased the number to more than 100000 individual members from 26 states, who were advised t o boycott any operations that involved cars from the Pullman industry (Salvatore, 1999). This is a strike which begun on May 11, 1894 to August 2, 1894. The reason for the conclusion of the strike was that the then president Cleveland sent in federal and state troops to crush the strike specially because it was interfering with the deliver of mail and this had begun to disgust the general public, who were shifting their support to the government. The Union leaders were arrested while more than 20 workers lost their lives in the process. Pullman employees tried to negotiate for an unconditional reinstatement to their former positions but the management refused to accept and instead forced them to sign contracts, which forbid them from joining any labor unions failure to which they would lose their jobs. The workers, while on strike, contributed to the destruction of property and loss of revenues especially for the railway line approximated to more than $4 million as per the then valu e of the dollar. The workers also lost more than $1 million in terms of wages not forgetting the magnitude of human labor dedicated by the security organs to crush the strike (Salvatore, 1999). Textile Workers Strike of 1934 The Textile Workers Strike of 1934 was an event in the US history, which was organized by the United Textile Workers of America (UTW), a union whose membership

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Ethnic Groups Can Be Unified Essay Example for Free

How Ethnic Groups Can Be Unified Essay I would like to believe that I grew up very diversely. I attend an all foreign language program that was housed in my elementary / middle school and my mom allowed me to attend the Japanese classes up until the three grade when the program received funding for their own school. However, while I was in the program I was able to interact with a many different ethnic groups and because of my age and the fact that my mother raised me to be open-minded and well rounded I didn’t see a difference between myself and the other children in the class, in fact at the time I remember having a Mexican boyfriend and an Asian best friend. Because of my past I believe all ethnic groups can be unified if everyone can accept the fact that everyone is different and embrace everyone for their difference. The act of not liking someone because they are different is a learned behavior and children typical are learning this behavior from the adults around them and society views on that group of people. A simple and easy to understand example of how people are taught now to like each other is showed in most movies that make any reference to slavery. There is always a part of the movie where two little children, one being white and the other black, start out great friends but as time goes on they learn that they can’t be friends or date because one person is black and the other is white. I’d be naà ¯ve to think that in my generation ethnic group unity will happen. 9-11 the US unified as a nation but we still had a negative view on one ethnic group for the actions of a individuals of that group. To this day I still know people who don’t care for Muslims as a whole because of 9-11. I do believe that things have gotten better over the year but only in some regions of the world. All I can do is raise my children the way that I was raised and hope that they treat everyone with respect no matter their ethnic background.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Falconry Essay Example for Free

Falconry Essay Falconry, also known as hawking, is a form of hunting which involves the use of trained hawks and falcons to prey on other animals. Falconry may be considered one of the oldest sports, dating back over 4,000 years ago in Egypt and China that is still practiced today. Falconry was considered a status symbol, restricted to noble classes, in medieval Europe and a way of obtaining food. Falconry still exists today with more than 3,800 licensed falconers in the United States. Historically, falconry was not only a popular sport but was considered a status symbol among the aristocracy of medieval Europe. Legend has it that a Persian King watched a falcon kill another bird and ordered his men to capture the falcon. The king kept the falcon with him at all times, learned many lessons from it and was considered the first falconer. The origin of falconry can be traced back to 2000 BC through ancient writings, drawings and artifacts. There is debate as to when and where falconry originated, however, some historians place its origin in Asia around the second century A. D. and then spread west, while other historians place the origin in Arabia or the Middle East based on records dated 8,000 BC, found of a king who used birds of prey. It is known that by the fourth century, falconry had spread through Western Europe and Britain. Most of the information about falconry comes from its popularity in medieval Europe and the Middle East during the middle ages. The sport of falconry began to decline in popularity during the 1700 and 1 +-*. 800s because of the decline of nobility and the increased use of firearms to kill animals for food and for sport. However, by the 1900s, its popularity was renewed and the largest falconry association, the Peregrine Blub was established in the United States. Falconry is now legal in the United States in all states except Hawaii and the District of Columbia. State and federal licenses are required to practice this sport. Falconry not only exists today in the United States but also is practiced throughout the world. Originally, the purpose of falconry was to obtain food to eat, however, nobility (Kings of Britain, Russian Czars and the Holy roman Emperors) shifted this purpose to one of social entertainment. Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Sicily and Jerusalem was considered to be the greatest falconer of the medieval age. Falconry became so popular that it became regulated with a strict set of customs called the Laws of Ownership. These laws dictated what type of birds could be owned by various social ranks. The table shown below gives a partial listing of social rank and appropriate bird. There were also severe punishments including time in jail to anyone who harmed a falcon’s bird nest, eggs, and young or took a falcon from the wild that did not belong to you. One of the most severe punishments was given to a person who flew a bird above what your rank permitted. This punishment was having your hand cut off. Social rank and appropriate bird (adapted from original table) King| Gyr Falcon| Prince| Peregrine Falcon| Knight| Saker| Squire| Lanner| Lady| Female Merlin| Priest| Female Sparrowhawk| Knaves, servants, children| Kestrel| Adapted from The Ancient Art of Falconry The players in this sport are the falconer and his or her raptor. The falconer is the person that handles or trains the raptor. Their principle responsibilities were to ensure that his master’s birds of prey, raptors, were fully trained, well-fed and ready to hunt when called upon. The raptor is a bird of prey with a hooked beak for tearing meat, and powerful, hooked talons for grasping and holding prey. Not all raptors are suitable for falconry. Suitable raptors can be grouped by the way they are flown at the prey and are divided into three categories: broad-winged hawks, short-wing hawks and long-wing hawks. The broad-wing hawks (Buteos) include the Golden Eagles, Buzzards and Harris hawk that hunt rabbits and other ground game. They are also known as the â€Å"bombers†. The short-wing hawks (Accipiters) are used to hunt other birds in wooded or bushy terrain and include goshawks. They are called the â€Å"attack helicopters. † The long-winged hawks, considered the â€Å"true† falcons, are considered the â€Å"fighter jets. † They hunt other birds, such as waterfowl in open country. The Peregrine Falcons, Gyrfalcon, Lanner Falcon and the American Kestrel are included in this group. The different physical characteristics of these raptors allow the hunter to vary his or her hunting method. Each of the various physical characteristics allows adaptation to their hunting environment. The buteos will usually perch in high trees and then dive on the prey out in the open, hence the name â€Å"bomber†. Because the Accipiters have short wings, they can easily maneuver and can chase their prey through the various terrains, similar to â€Å"attack helicopters. † The long-winged hawks, â€Å"fighter jets†, circle hundreds of feet in the air and then stoop at very high speeds (averaging 25-34 mph and reaching up to 200 mph) to knock their prey out of the sky using their feet as fists. Broad-winged-buzzardShort-winged-Goshawk Long-winged-Peregrine Falconmonacoeye. com goshawk dove4. jpg mysideofthemountain. wikispaces. com The relationship between the falconer and raptor is very important and training a falcon is not easy. Although the raptor is not a pet, it is trained to accept the presence of their trainer in their natural pursuit of prey. Great skill and patience is involved when training falcons. A falcon responds to its trainer not out of affection or fear but out of the association of a trainer to its only source of food. The first stage of training is called manning. In this stage, the tethered raptor becomes accustomed to being handled and eating food from a gloved hand. During the next stage, a tethered raptor is rewarded with food for flying short distances and returning. The use of a hood on the bird kept the bird calm and prevents distractions while it is preparing to fly. Once a tethered raptor has learned to fly to his trainer consistently, the raptor can be brought out to an open meadow where they are taught to rise from the owner’s wrist on command and gain the experience of hunting. The introduction to the swing-lure is part of this next phase of training. A string is attached to one of the bird’s claws and the bird had circled around it would be reeled in at the falconer’s command. When the raptor makes a kill, the reward is only a small piece of the kill because only hungry raptors hunt. If the raptor is not hungry, it is possible that it will not return to the falconer. One of the misconceptions is that the raptor will bring back its kills to the falconer. The falconer must find his raptor; some use a dog as part of the team, and exchanges a fresh piece of meat for the catch. irportjournals. com Falconry became popular again in America in 1920 after an issue in the National Geographic Magazine published an article â€Å"Falconry, the sport of Kings†. Unfortunately, just as interest in falconry was peaking, the raptors were beginning to die due to synthetic chemical poisons such as DDT. This poison caused reproductive failure in many of the raptor birds including the peregrine falcon. The United States banned the use of DDT and enacted the Endangered Species Act that gave protection to some bird species including the Peregrine Falcon. Two U. S. falconers, Tom Cade and Heinz Meng, began a captive-breeding program to lead repopulation efforts of these endangered species. Their program has been very successful by breeding and releasing thousands of peregrines. The practice of modern day falconry is very similar to traditional falconry with some minor modifications. These modifications include: use of transmitters, type of birds used and the ability to use captive-breed birds. Often transmitters are now placed on the falcon in order to help a falconer locate his bird from several miles away. The type of birds used in modern falconry has increased. Birds such as the Red-Tail and Harris’ Hawk are two new additions that have been successfully used. Finally, ancient falconry required that a falconer trap his own bird from the wild. Today, falconers have the ability to selectively breed and hybridize their own birds. This came about during the time of repopulation efforts of the endangered Peregrine Falcon. Modern day falconry is currently being practiced in many countries around the world including the United States and is legal in all states except Hawaii and in the District of Columbia. The biggest change from traditional falconry is the restraints and legalities under which falconers must practice their sport. A falconer must possess both a state and federal license in addition to serving as an apprentice for 2 years under a licensed falconer. Only at this time, can the falconer possess either an American kestrel or a red-tailed hawk legally. Presently, there are over 10,000 licensed falconers in the United States. Falconry seems like a very interesting sport that I would definitely be interested in learning more about. If I had enough money and time, I might consider becoming a falconer as one of my hobbies.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Social Integration in UAE Essay

Social Integration in UAE Essay Section: 1 Social Integration Essay The process of social integration of a complex consisting of several dimensions involving the participation in work and production, and real consumption, is looking forward to the many, and to participate in caring for the public and social practice, and much of the social interactions.  On this basis, the individual is socially integrated if he takes part in the core activities of the society in which they live. The core activities are intended to be able to purchase goods and services, to participate in activities of economic and social value, to participate in decision-making process at the local level or national origin, and integration with family, friends and communities.  Social integration concept created by each society and every group for the purposes of individuals and groups from the situation of disagreement and conflict to the situation of living together. It also reflects the social integration of the form of access to political and legal systems necessary to make these rights a reality. There is a deep awareness in the UAE that the only guarantee of sustained development is continuous investment in education, health and social services, with the provision of meaningful employment for all.[1] (Social development, 2009), but as everybody knows that money doesnt last forever and they should think of looking for something else that they can use from their children or their boys and girls that they spent a huge amount on giving them the best life they ever thought of it or dreamt of in order to pay them some of what they have done to them. The UAE population increased by a staggering 74.8 per cent between 1995 and 2005, the date of the last census. This is one of the highest population growth rates in the world. Estimated by the Ministry of the Economy (MoE) at 4.488 million in 2007, the population is expected to increase by 6.12 per cent to reach 4.76 million at the end of 2008 and by 6.31 per cent to 5.06 million at the end of 2009. [2](Population, 2009), with that increase people will have communities of their own whether they were expats or locals that will discriminate their own people, so the UAE should unit them and dont discriminate them in order to raise their way of life. It is generally accepted that there is a need for additional policies to guarantee a more significant representation of UAE nationals in the labor force.[3] (Labor, 2009) these guarantees will protect the UAE nationals in the labor force because of the increase of the expatriates labor force and to protect UAE nationals because they have a right to be prior than the other nationalities. There always should be awareness about driving in the country because for the last decades there are so many casualties whether they were men, women or even kids and if it is remained without waking the people up then even statistics wont be able to calculate them 2009) these guarantees will protect the UAE nationals in the labor force because of the increase of the expatriates labor force and to protect UAE nationals because they have a right to be prior than the other nationalities. There always should be awareness about driving in the country because for the last decades there are so many casualties whether they were men, women or even kids and if it is remained without waking the people up then even statistics wont be able to calculate them. Reference Page [1] [2] [3]

A Look at Stem Cell Research Essay -- Ethics Biology Stem Cells Essays

A Look at Stem Cell Research Research in the development of stem cells has become increasingly popular over the past decade. The fascination in the study of stem cells by scientists comes from the mystery of what the essential properties are and how cells differ. With the discovery of determining how stem cells are self renewing and identifying what causes stem cells to become specialized leads to the ability to create more cell-based remedies as well as preventing birth defects, more precise screening for new drugs and cloning of organs and tissues. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that renew themselves for long periods through cell division. They can also become specialized functional cells such as beating cells for heart muscles and insulin-producing cells for the pancreas or nerve cells. However, this development is controversial being that there are benefits and downfall in which humans are being to an extent â€Å"genetically engineered.† Although there are pros and cons of using stem cells, the numerous beneficial possibilities indicate that we should perform the experiments to better our society under extensive scrutiny by the government and public. Embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells are the two primary types that scientists work with. Stem cells are unique because they are unspecialized to any tissue-specific structures but can develop specialized cells and in culture develop indefinitely. They replicate themselves over and over again causing large growths of cells over a period of time called proliferation, yielding many other unspecialized stem cells. However if the parent stem cells give rise to specialized stem cells the process is called differentiation. Scientist are only at the tip of the ic... ...future for improving human diseases and disorders. If put into the wrong hands stem cell technology could be very detrimental to society however with the help of governmental controls and laws I do not believe there would be many problems. Although the PCB and NBAC have not been able to come up with a clear line of where to begin and end stem cell research and experiments they are improving their communication skills with the public about the ethical issues that will arise from stem cell research and are working on the awareness of the issue and sovereignty of the consequences. Background Information Childress, James F. "Human stem cell research: some controversies in bioethics and public policy." Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 32: 100-105. "Stem Cell Information." National Institutes of Health. 12 Feb 2004. . A Look at Stem Cell Research Essay -- Ethics Biology Stem Cells Essays A Look at Stem Cell Research Research in the development of stem cells has become increasingly popular over the past decade. The fascination in the study of stem cells by scientists comes from the mystery of what the essential properties are and how cells differ. With the discovery of determining how stem cells are self renewing and identifying what causes stem cells to become specialized leads to the ability to create more cell-based remedies as well as preventing birth defects, more precise screening for new drugs and cloning of organs and tissues. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that renew themselves for long periods through cell division. They can also become specialized functional cells such as beating cells for heart muscles and insulin-producing cells for the pancreas or nerve cells. However, this development is controversial being that there are benefits and downfall in which humans are being to an extent â€Å"genetically engineered.† Although there are pros and cons of using stem cells, the numerous beneficial possibilities indicate that we should perform the experiments to better our society under extensive scrutiny by the government and public. Embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells are the two primary types that scientists work with. Stem cells are unique because they are unspecialized to any tissue-specific structures but can develop specialized cells and in culture develop indefinitely. They replicate themselves over and over again causing large growths of cells over a period of time called proliferation, yielding many other unspecialized stem cells. However if the parent stem cells give rise to specialized stem cells the process is called differentiation. Scientist are only at the tip of the ic... ...future for improving human diseases and disorders. If put into the wrong hands stem cell technology could be very detrimental to society however with the help of governmental controls and laws I do not believe there would be many problems. Although the PCB and NBAC have not been able to come up with a clear line of where to begin and end stem cell research and experiments they are improving their communication skills with the public about the ethical issues that will arise from stem cell research and are working on the awareness of the issue and sovereignty of the consequences. Background Information Childress, James F. "Human stem cell research: some controversies in bioethics and public policy." Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 32: 100-105. "Stem Cell Information." National Institutes of Health. 12 Feb 2004. .

Monday, August 19, 2019

Orlando Furioso Clarifies Vergil’s Ending in The Aeneid Essay -- Orlan

Orlando Furioso Clarifies Vergil’s Ending in The Aeneid  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Ariosto adapts and transforms Vergil’s final episode of The Aeneid into his own conclusion in Orlando Furioso. The final scenes in the epics parallel one another in many ways, yet also show distinct differences. Ruggiero and Rodomont represent Aeneas and Turnus, respectively, and the actions of Ariosto’s characters can be interchanged with their corresponding characters’ acts in The Aeneid. Ariosto reminds us of controversy and questions that Vergil elicits in his conclusion and responds interpretively, reshaping the ending and clarifying ambiguities. Does Vergil intend to write such an abrupt, controversial ending? Some critics suggest that Vergil meant to complete the story with a more upbeat, joyous tone, but he died before he completed task. They propose a Book XIII that incorporates a large ceremonial marriage between Aeneas and Lavinia into the story as a "happy" ending. Others insinuate that Vergil purposefully concludes the heroic poem to leave questions for readers. Ariosto incorporates a vast, joyful wedding between Ruggiero and Bradamant into his novel before mimicking Vergil’s ending; he argues that Vergil intended to end where he did. Even though we often yearn to read a "happy" ending, an abrupt, controversial ending provokes more contemplation. Ariosto suggests that Vergil planned to arouse his readers’ minds, and not satisfy their common desire for a "happy" ending, by introducing discord. Does Turnus pose a threat? From one point of view, Aeneas seems to always have the military upper hand, and Turnus seems physically inferior, thus not threatening. However, from a different perspective Turnus is deceptive, thus menacing. When he thinks h... ...this act to remind us how brutal Aeneas is when he kills without hesitation. Ariosto addresses the multiple ambiguities Vergil leaves behind. He indicates that a "happy" ending is not always required to please readers and transforms Vergil’s controversial ending into a straightforward conclusion by adapting Rodomont’s character to Turnus and Ruggiero’s character to Aeneas. When the hero’s foe poses a threat and proves capable of defending himself, we do not feel sorry for his death because the hero obviously must kill to defend his own life. We find comfort in Vergil’s ending by superimposing these interpretations and corrections by Ariosto into The Aeneid. Works Cited Waldman, Guido, trans. Orlando Furioso. By Ludovico Ariosto. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Fitzgerald, Robert, trans. The Aeneid. By Vergil. New York: Random House, 1983.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing the Creation Scene in James Whales 1931 Frankenstein and Ken

Comparing the Creation Scene in James Whale's 1931 Frankenstein and Kenneth Brannagh's 1994 Frankenstein James Whale’s 1931 portrayal of Frankenstein when compared to Kenneth Brannagh’s alternate account from 1994 reveals some similarities but also many differences in the way they try to evoke emotions such as horror, fear and expectation from the audience and keep the plot moving. To do this, the directors have used a series of techniques, including: camera shots, use of sound and music, use of lighting and shadows, and mise-en-scene. Many of the differences and similarities between the films are due to the type of audience that the directors were aiming the films at. For example, Whale uses a very traditional horror opening for his creation scene, while Brannagh uses a more contemporary opening with light play and symbolism through candles and shadows. Some of the other main differences between the two styles of films are how closely the film follows the original book, the style through which genres such as horror, romance and action are portrayed, and the strength of the horror and special effects used to keep the audience in a state of expectancy and tension, but also scared and unsure of the outcome. James Whale was trying to create a shocking and contemporary film, which would scare his 1931 audience and be revolutionary in the techniques he used while still retaining a traditional gothic horror genre, whereas Kenneth Brannagh was trying to create an action film, which follows the original book more closely, and portrays the monster in a way that evokes sympathy for the monster, rather than hatred and violence towards a predetermine... ... the audience never really knew how it was going to turn out and what was coming next. However, social preferences and tolerances have changed dramatically over time and so that is why I don’t find the 1931 version as effective at portraying the story or creating tension. Moreover, I find that the 1931 film was certainly more revolutionary than 1994 and tried to go past original limits in regard to style and techniques used more effectively and more continuously than the later film. Finally, I find that although the 1931 film was more revolutionary and may have been more effective if compared with audiences from the respective times, I still prefer the later version it uses more modern effects and follows the original book more closely which allows people who have read the book to relate more closely to the film.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Agriculture in Jesus’ Time

The land of Jesus, the Promised Land (one name amongst many) is very well known by our people. During the time of Jesus, we were accustomed to walk from city to city because the area was so small, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the eastern border. We farmers took care of the land and made it blossom into the beautiful land it is today. Palestine holds amazing beauty that astonishes everyone who sees it. Our hills stretch across the plains with gracious lush sides. In comparison, our lakes, deserts, and forests are also astonishing. As beautiful as our land is, our climate can be frightening. One hot day and a freezing night to follow is what you might expect in our land. Today, temperatures during the day may reach seventy-two degrees, but don’t be fooled. Try visiting the barren of the Dead Sea; don’t be surprised at the 122 degree weather. With such temperatures, our water source is scarce. We treasure the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee, for its beauty of course, but also because of or lack of water. Bread and wine is extremely important in Palestine. We value the bread and hold it sacred to our people. Jesus revealed himself when identifying a relationship between him and the bread. The wine is made from the fruit of the vine, grapes. Again, Jesus declared himself as the true vine, forming another close and sacred relationship between him and the wine. Our animals ware great. Animals such as the donkey are very important to our people because of their capability to withstand our everyday chores. A donkey, with its high value, is never to be eaten or offer up in sacrifice. We have many beautiful animals, both domestic and wild, that roam our lands, such as lions and porcupines. As a farmer, our jobs are to take care of the crops for the making of the bread because it is very important. We harvest the grain between the months of March and May. The rest of the year we make the bread for the people of our village.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Racism: White American and Hispanics Essay

Stereotypes of African Americans 1. African Americans love fried chicken, hot sauce, and grape soda. 2. Large populations of African Americans are lazy and uneducated. 3. They are obsessed with their television shows. 4. African Americans sag their pants and wear clothes that are too big. 5. African Americans drop more money on their hair (Weave, perm, braids, etc. ) than their own house bill. 6. African Americans only listen to hard core rap music. 7. African Americans still to this day pull the racism card because of slavery. 8. A lot of African Americans are in the welfare system. 9. African Americans travel in â€Å"heards†. 10. African Americans live in the â€Å"ghetto† or the more trashy part of town. 11. African Americans are great athletes. 12. African Americans can run fast and jump out of the gym. 13. African Americans always get themselves into fights but both men and women can back themselves up. 14. African Americans are involved in gang violence. Stereotypes of Native Americans: 1. Native Americans are all drunks. 2. Native Americans get checks from the government for being a Native American. 3. Native Americans own casinos. 4. Native Americans are not educated. 5. Native Americans can talk to the animals. 6. Native Americans have herbs that can heal anything. 7. Native Americans live on reservations. 8. Native Americans have really long hair. 9. Native Americans smoke the peace pipe. 10. Native Americans speak a broken language. Stereotypes of Hispanic Americans: 1. Hispanics can cook well. 2. Hispanics are all landscapers, construction workers, maids or bus boys. 3. Hispanics have a lot of kids. 4. Hispanics speak terrible English, if any. 5. Most Hispanics are illegal citizens. 6. Hispanics are involved in gang and drug violence. 7. Hispanics take away American jobs. 8. Hispanics are ill mannered. 9. Hispanics are hard working. 10. Hispanics are great dancers. 11. Hispanics are very religious. 12. Hispanics love bright, vibrant colors. 13. Hispanics wear sombreros. 14. Hispanics drive â€Å"tricked out† cars. Stereotypes of Asian Americans: 1. Asians eat anything that moves. 2. Everything is made in Asia. 3. All Asians look alike. 4. Asians eat with chopsticks. 5. Asians know Kung fu or some other form of martial arts. 6. Asian languages are the most difficult to understand. 7. Asians are good at math. 8. Asians can’t drive well. 9. Asians are all skinny. 10. Asians love rice, soy sauce, and sushi. Stereotypes of White Americans: 1. Whites are materialistic. 2. Whites are the most racist of all races. 3. White people can’t dance. 4. All whites are rich. 5. Whites think they are better than everyone else. 6. Whites are stuck up. 7. Whites think that all other races owe us something for living in our country. 8. Whites are terrible athletes. 9. White people are oblivious to other people’s pain and struggle in America. 10. Whites are all obese.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Genetically Modified Foods Essay

In the world, many people are not getting the balanced amount of nutrition-needed daily. There are many vitamin deficiencies that can lead to illnesses, malnutrition, and death. However, biotechnology has made this pandemic decrease through genetically modified foods. Many people think that these foods are unhealthy for people, and they are harmful. They think that this type of food is untraditional. I believe that genetically modified foods are good for countries that have high malnutrition rates. They are also good to help preserve food against pesticides. The purpose of this essay is to show how genetically modified foods are good for countries with malnutrition. Genetically modified foods are food that has received a segment of DNA or genes from another organism through biotechnology engineering. Biotechnology is the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, and etc. The most commonly known genetically modified food is golden rice. Golden rice is engineered to contain a higher amount of vitamin A to improve the health of unskilled laborers in undeveloped countries. Golden rice is mainly used in Asian countries or countries whose staple food is rice. Originally, rice doesn’t have a high amount of vitamin A, and in those countries there are high amounts of deficiency in Vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a significant role for healthy vision, strong bones, supple skin, normal cell regeneration, reproduction, and helps the immune system fend off infections. A deficiency in Vitamin A can result in eye diseases such as Nyctalopia (night blindness), Xerophthalmia (dry eye syndrome) , and/or total blindness. Golden rice is enhanced with multiple DNA, including DNA from daffodils. Also, this rice has a higher amount of beta-carotene. In my opinion, golden rice is good for undeveloped countries whose staple is rice because this rice contains DNA from another plant. Therefore, it doesn’t have a lot of chemicals that could eventually be harmful to people’s body. There are more foods that are genetically modified such as corn, potatoes, soybeans, squash, canola, flax, and tomatoes. Corn and potatoes are modified with a gene to produce an endotoxin. An endotoxin is a toxic substance produced and stored within the plant tissue. This endotoxin protects these vegetables from corn-borer pest and the potato beetle. Likewise, soybeans can be modified with a gene from a bacterium to make it herbicide resistant. A herbicide is a type of pesticide that is used to kill unwanted plants, such as weeds. This can keep vegetables safe from harmful insects. These insects can destroy or make the vegetable harmful for digestion. Some people may say that genetically modified foods are untraditional. However, many foods that are used today are modified. The genes of many plants have been modified so much over the years that they are embedded into the DNA of the plant. Cross breeding was the first forms of modifying food through genetics. Since cross breeding was discovered, it was a large part of agricultural processes. Therefore, many vegetables, whether organic or not, have been modified somewhere down the history line of that vegetable. In conclusion, many people feel that genetically modified foods are not a traditional or healthy way to eat. However, genetically modified foods can help undeveloped countries become healthier and prevent some vitamin deficiencies, such as Vitamin A deficiency. Many vegetables are modified to help prevent them from their common pest and enemy-like plants. Also, throughout the years many plants have undergone minor genetic changes. These changes are used in vegetables today to help make them healthier and keep them fresher longer. This can make the world a healthier and better place.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Oprah’s Empire and Organizational Theory, Design and Change Essay

The Oprah Case was a brief view into the life of Oprah Winfrey and the empire she built. Born in Mississippi, Oprah had a gift for public speaking. She delved into journalism and landed her own day time TV show in Chicago. The broadcast television industry proved to be a wonderful source of revenue for Winfrey and here her empire began. Oprah then went into acting and found interest in producing. She founded Harpo, Inc. and began acquiring rights to film books. The Oprah Winfrey Show became a hit success propelling Oprah forward to be one of the world’s most influential people. She launched a website,; a magazine, O, The Magazine; and began her own network, OWN. She organized several charitable organizations around the world and is recognized as the most generous celebrity as it relates to giving away her own money. There is a component in Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves’ book that emphasizes the need for Self Awareness. With much o f Oprah Winfrey’s success being attributed to not compromising her beliefs for society, Oprah has to continuously guard against being mislead or possibly used by others. Although her intentions may be good, Oprah Winfrey’s tendency to be hard on herself if she neglects to reach success can cloud her talent to recognize her own efforts. There are three key indicators of Self-Awareness that Oprah Winfrey utilizes in order to maintain her public image and reputation. First, Oprah exudes self-confidence in order to effectively market anything that she endorses or supports. Because of this keen awareness of her self-worth, throughout any appearance, Oprah presents her viewers with a self-assurance which enables her to voice views that her followers can assess and take into consideration. Over the years, Oprah has become a beacon for making sound decisions despite the uncertainties and pressures of the media. Next, Oprah is aware of her strengths and limits, therefore, she is able to give an accurate self-assessment and accept candid feedback. Early on in her career she was able to learn that she was not able to operate as owner, president, and CEO. Knowing this, Oprah was able to profit more in the grand scheme of things because her limit was recognized and valued. As Tim Bennett acted as the President of Oprah’s Harpo Productions, he was able to give Oprah a new perspective and aid in her self-development with his expertise. Lastly, Oprah has a self-deprecating sense of humor that shows she doesn’t take herself too seriously. This is important in the candid feedback she receives from viewers, bloggers, and other forms of news. As a person in the media, Oprah is self-aware and realizes the need to trust yourself and not let negative energy hold you back from operating at your full potential. As a steward of her brand, it’s safe to say that Oprah Winfrey pays close attention to the quality of her message and products. Oprah Winfrey has a great gift of compassion, tenderness, and kindness. For balance, Oprah Winfrey promotes mature self-obedience, self-management, and personal responsibility. In doing this, Oprah utilized four core competencies to build her personal brand. First, she discovered what she wanted her brand to convey and laid out a development plan for herself, which included where she was presently and future goals. Oprah Winfrey is most successful because she was able to merge her passion of journalism with expertise. Next, Oprah created her brand by positioning herself as extraordinary in her niche of talk show hosting. The point of this is to tell her audience what she values and the benefits of watching her show. Besides tangible incentives, Oprah gives advice and offers community awareness through her many projects. Then, Oprah uses communication to allow her to gain the visibility to be looked to as a guru of opinions. Oprah attracted her viewers and followers by becoming accessible through forums, book clubs, mail, and social media. Lastly, Oprah has been able to maintain her brand through constant revisits and updates. Constantly Oprah goes back to everything she has created; her O magazine, OWN network, book club and everything that she has endorsed to refresh it with current information and maintain its reputation. The mission for The Oprah Winfrey Show was â€Å"to be a catalyst for the transformation in people’s lives.† In keeping with core competencies, the organization was able to continue to generate revenue by using the skills and abilities in value-creation activities that allowed all of the business subunits to achieve superior quality and consumer responsiveness. Because the mission was one of empowerment, Oprah’s team made sure that anything that was done supported that mission and by doing so it increased intrinsic value. Oprah’s following knew what to expect, they enjoyed it, and they kept coming back even bringing new consumers. Oprah was known to surround herself with high performing people. The business was demanding there were constant deadlines and long hours. Many were known to work from 15-17 hours in order to keep up. They had a code of excellence and anyone who could not meet that code did not last long. The type of environment that came from this fast-paced work style is in part related to the expansion strategy. Harpo was growing rapidly due to the corporate-level strategy. Oprah had harnessed a command in the daytime TV domain and used this base to expand into new media domains through related diversification. There are so many cultural differences such as diverse communication styles, different approaches to completing task and different attitudes toward conflict. As a leader within her brand and enterprise, Oprah has mastered the art of working around cultural differences and effectively coordinating outsourcing relationships. She has conquered working with different cultures by encouraging and rewarding creativity, creating a diverse workforce and educated staff and offering support while having fun. Oprah has also effectively coordinated outsourcing relationships with her many international projects, specifically her school in Africa. Benefits of outsourcing include higher performance, a better mitigation of risk and reduced confusion and wasted time. Oprah opened the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in 2007 with the goal in mind of giving children who are less fortunate the chance to better themselves with a proper and suitable education. In order to effectively accomplish this goal, it was a mission of Oprah’s to have access and acquire the best talent. Oprah has been able to enjoy the benefits of outsourcing because of her quality commitment and reputation. Throughout Oprah’s career, several conflicts within her organization have risen. Although conflict is perceived negatively, some conflict is good for an organization. Conflict can be beneficial because it can overcome organizational inertia and lead to organizational learning and change. This is extremely evident when Oprah’s Book Club introduced A Million Little Pieces by James Frey to the public. This is a great example where Pondey’s Model of Organizational Conflict is illustrated. Latent Conflict, the first stage of this model, surfaced in 2005 when Oprah introduced this book. In several ways, the work was an unconventional choice for the Book Club where potential for conflict was at a high risk. The book was a classified as a memoir, not the ordinary book for the Book Club. Frey’s memoir, an account of his descent into alcohol and drug addiction, offered a graphic, unsparing look at the consequences of his illness and at the long, difficult road to recovery. It was the first contemporary piece of writing that Winfrey had selected for the Book Club in more than two seasons. The second stage, Perceived Conflict, happen on January 8, 2006. The investigative web site The Smoking Gun delivered a devastating blow to Frey’s insistences of authenticity. The site revealed numerous instances of exaggeration in A Million Little Pieces. This brought many aware of this conflict and people began to analyze it. The conflict escalated when Oprah battled against what was being said. She stated, â€Å"that the underlying message of redemption in James Frey’s memoir still resonates with me. And I know that it resonates with millions of other people who have read this book and will continue to read this book.† In the third stage of Pondey’s Model, conflict is felt. Investigative reports showed that he had exaggerated his criminal past to the point of fancy. But he had also distorted the stories of others, including two high-school classmates who died in a car crash in 1986. Marianne Sanders, the mother of one of the deceased, called Frey’s account â€Å"flat-out lies.† What began as a small problem had now escalated into a huge conflict. On January 26, 2006, these issues came to a head when the talk-show host brought Frey back onto her show. Winfrey confessed that the facts that had come out about Frey’s past since the scandal broke had caused her to revise her opinion of his work. â€Å"I feel duped,† Winfrey told Frey. â€Å"But more importantly, I feel that you betrayed millions of readers.† Conflict had manifested. This is demonstrated in the fourth stage. In the fifth and final stage, the aftermath of the conflict is present. Conflict is resol ved in a way that leaves subunits feeling combative or cooperative. In this case, Winfrey also apologized to viewers for her own role in supporting Frey’s actions and attitude toward self-representation. The truth, it turned out, mattered to many people. In the aftermath of the controversy, Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, the imprint that had published Frey’s book, also issued an apology. Winfrey’s response in particular, spurred a large-scale conversation among publishers, authors, and journalists about the state of nonfiction writing. Oprah used her power and ability to manipulate decision making. She uses two tactics that has led to her success. The first tactic she uses is her ability to control the agenda. Oprah si involved in the majority, if not all, departments and committees of her empire. She likes to be on and involved in these committees and departments so that she can control business decisions, especially if the issues affect how and when to change the organization’s strategy and structure. Bringing in an outside expert is the second tactic. The biggest mistake Oprah made in the beginning was that she did understand that she needed infrastructure and systems in order to run a business. And it wasn’t until 1994 that she actually brought in someone to be president and organize the systems. She described herself as a crazy person, trying to do it all. In 1994, Winfrey hired Tim Bennett to serve as Harpo’s president. 8. Infrastructure 9. Organizational Life Cycle Oprah has put up her $5.6 million Gold Coast Condo on the market, and moved to California to run her network OWN. Her condo that sits on top of a huge building in downtown Chicago can be rented for $15,000 a month. Rosie O’Donnell’s current OWN talk show was being taped at Harpo, but no longer. The Rosie O’Donnell show has been moved to New York. The move resulted in low ratings and the lack of obtaining special guest for the show. It was a constant challenge trying to get people to come to the show, so they decided to move to a location that was convenient for special guest. This was never a problem for Oprah. Therefore, Harpo Studios is dark and inactive. Possibilities of putting it up for sale to those buyers who want to have their own production facility, or to those who want to tear it down to build a high-rise building are beginning to surface. Despite struggles with OWN, is still successful. What’s next for Oprah? The future of the Oprah Empire is a topic that many people find may be threatened. Much of Oprah’s target market is the baby boomer middle class. With her target market aging and the culture of broadcast journalism changing, where does this leave Oprah? Oprah’s future relevance will heavily rely on the diversification of her current and future business developments. Currently worth $2.7 Billion, Oprah has plenty of cushion room to reinvest in new strategies or add to her current ventures. With the stability of her magazine and online presence, Oprah has made her name an international staple touching the homes of millions around the globe. Her integration of technology into her business model has transcended generations inviting the more tech savvy to join the ranks. The real question is about the future of OWN network. While it is experiencing difficulty now, expect it to make a transition into a network that is developing future leaders with the power of persuasion. In the future as Oprah ceases to have a world presence, her legacy will remain.

Sustainablity Marketing Plan -- 3M Corporation Speech or Presentation

Sustainablity Marketing Plan -- 3M Corporation - Speech or Presentation Example Currently, it is one of the premier manufacturing corporations. The corporation manufactures diversified products including more than 60000 different products which are observed to dominate in their respective markets. The corporation operates with 81 manufacturing sites in 28 states in the United States of America. 3M operates in more than 133 manufacturing and converting facilities in over 60 nations globally (3M Company, â€Å"Inspired innovation†). The corporation is engaged in various technology oriented segments. It manufactures products for wide-range of industries such as transportation, healthcare, safety, security and protection services, consumer and office, displays and graphics as well as electro and communication businesses. In addition to this, the corporation sells its products through various channels such as through the involvements of distributors, wholesalers, retailers, dealers, as well as directly to the costumers nationally and internationally across the world (Reuters, â€Å"Profile: 3M Co (MMM)†). Thesis Statement The discussion intends to critically identify the initiatives of 3M Corporation for ensuring sustainable growth and economic progress. It also intends to provide sustainable marketing plan for the corporation keeping in consideration the integral aspects such as promotion. Marketing Mission and Corporate Sustainability 3M Corporation is a global manufacturer and technology innovator successfully operating across the world primarily in six different operation segments. The corporation’s prime mission is to earn customer loyalty and respect by effectively differentiating it from its competitors. Moreover, the company is determined to operate with uncompromising authenticity and integrity in its all operational activities. It also aims at satisfy diverse customers with innovative technologies and superior quality products and services. Furthermore, it intends to place deep respects for its investors and provi de them high and attractive returns through sustainable and global growth. The corporation in relation to its mission concentrates on continuous development of social, physical and economic environment around the world. Least but not last, the company intends to develop employees skills and leadership qualities through its continuous initiatives (3M Company, â€Å"Sustaining Future†). The corporation’s sustainability strategies are primarily focused on customers’ satisfaction and its overall commercial success within social, economic and environmental values and frameworks. Its strategies are directed towards promoting healthy environment and safety measures at its different locations worldwide. The corporation’s sustainability strategies also emphasize on pollution prevention endeavors through continuous development of new and efficient technologies and products to be offered to its wide range of customers. As a part of its sustainability strategies its focuses on acquiring and retaining a pool of competent and skilled workforce as

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Ecology (task 5) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ecology (task 5) - Coursework Example Other people enjoy seeing the pets on their sofa as they speak with their visitors. This issue is popular in the internet where we can see ads offering animals for sale. It threatens the survival of the animals. The capturing of wild animals is exploited by humans while this has lead to the extinction of some species. In addition, the animals are harvested from their natural habitat through painful methods. This can be considered a severe lack of animal welfare. This denies the animal its natural habitat and it is captivated at homes. Owners of the exotic animals may at some point feel bored with the animal and leave them to suffer from lack of water and food. The animal may finally die in a painful way. This means that the tiger is a tertiary carnivore and the main predator. This is also used to mean that no animal eats the tiger in the forest ecosystem. While the other animals feed on one another, the tiger rules the food chain and appears at the top whereby, no animal comes above it as its predator. The tiger keeps the populations of wild bore, deer and sambar as well as the other predators in balance. If the tiger is not present to control them, they would greatly expand. Their excessive population would therefore ravage their food source which is basically the vegetation. If the vegetation is overwhelmed, the smaller animals would not survive in the forest. If the small animals moved to the crops in farmlands, some basic food sources could be lost (Slade & Schwartz, 2011). This would cause serious impacts on human population. If plants stop growing in the jungle, soils become infertile and eventually the entire jungle fades away. These are the direct or the indirect contributions of the ecosystem to the well-being of human beings. Ecological services are therefore the benefits human beings obtain from the ecosystem. These may include fresh water, wood, food, medicines, pest control,

Monday, August 12, 2019

What Lead To North Carolina Marriage Amendment Vote Essay

What Lead To North Carolina Marriage Amendment Vote - Essay Example The culmination of this initiative was the North Carolina voters approving the proposed amendment by 61.05%, on May 8th, 2012. Like any other amendment, there are other anteceding factors that had orchestrated the North Carolina Marriage Amendment vote into realization, as shall be seen forthwith. One of the factors that led to the North Carolina Marriage Amendment (NCMA) vote was the fact that the law is dynamic and thus, subject to amendment. Because of its dynamic nature, the law is always debated in the state legislature. Amendments may be made to the law, if any need arises, and if the bill calling for the amendments garners enough support. In this case, the law on marriage was debated during the spring of 2011 legislative schedule in the state legislature. At this juncture, the bill calling for the amendments had failed to receive enough votes needed to qualify for the referendum. This was to be followed by a debate on the same, in September 2011. The very day the bill was introduced in the House, the state legislature voted 75 against 42, in favor of the proposed amendment, and to the effect that a statewide ballot should be carried out. Similar results were produced in the State Senate on September 13th, 2011. It is important to note that this NCMA vote is also known as North Carolina Marriage Amendment One. The voting for Amendment One came about as a result of a legislative precedence that North Carolina had set previously. In 1875, North Carolina had altered its charter to proscribe all marital unions between a Negro and a white person, and between a person of Negro descent, down to the third generation and any white person.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

How well does insurance contract regulation work Research Paper

How well does insurance contract regulation work - Research Paper Example An insurance policy is documented properly and the insured is handed over a contract which signifies the terms and conditions under which the insurance policy will be processed and the circumstances under which the financial compensation will be carried out1. Insurance has gained wide popularity after big global incidents and financial crises such as the 9/11 catastrophe and the financial meltdown of 2008/09. These events have spread a wing of insecurity among people in many areas of their lives, be it their life, their finances, their property or their relatives. This has escalated the demand of insurance all over the world and insurance companies have shown fruitful results in their financial statements. To have a clear and comprehensive description and analysis of insurance and its operation, the economics of insurance have to be taken into account and the understanding of insurance law and insurance contract regulation and its working is essential2. As every law in the world, there is a separate and credible law for insurance. Insurance law is a name designated towards the acts of law covering insurance comprising of insurance claims and policies. It contains all the principles of insurance including claim technicalities, compensation conditions, policy termination circumstances, indemnity, so on and so forth. Insurance law is based mainly on Insurance Contracts Regulations 1985 which have been established using the Insurance Contracts Act 1984. The presence and importance of insurance contracts regulations is utmost and considering a serious and delicate contract like insurance, a set of stringent regulations based on solid laws must be existent and implementable3. Insurance contracts regulations assist in numerous ways to the insurer as well as the insured and it created a specific, planned, professional progress way for the insurance policy throughout its tenor. As mentioned above about the

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Pick one cultural space, site, exhibition, performance or project. How Essay

Pick one cultural space, site, exhibition, performance or project. How inclusive and participatory is it, and why - Essay Example This paper looks at a cultural performance and analyzes its inclusivity and participation. It discusses Morris Dancing specifically from historical, artistic and various cultural aspects. Theories discussed in the paper will be applied on this dance to help understand if this culture is inclusive and participatory or not. Various academic resources are consulted to understand how humans perceive and live cultures. The essay also looks into the reasons why some cultural practices are inclusive while others are rigid. Towards the end, a brief summary of the research findings are given as a summary to help understand why such cultural behaviours exist and how humans, on a collective basis, can improve their cultural and artistic thinking and behaviour in the future. The earliest record of Morris Dancing dates back to 1448 when a payment of seven shilling was paid by the Goldsmiths’ Company in London to a group of Morris Dancers (Heaney, 2004). It might have started purely as entertainment but later it became a part of the English culture and spread across the globe as a British cultural dance. Even though different cultures like American, Australian, and Canadian cultures enjoy it but the Morris Dance groups are mostly British expatriates. In other words Morris Dancing is specific to the British culture. It is impossible to confine arts and culture in a narrow definition. For this reason it is convenient to think of arts in terms of institutionalized definition. ‘Art world’ is the exhilaration of artistic skills, mostly displayed at places like museums, academia, art galleries etc. (Belfiore & Bennett, 2008). The same applies to culture as it manifests itself in various cultural exhibitions and art forms, including dancing. The distinctions in culture are stronger than they are in art. When Morris Dancing was purely aesthetical, it was flexible

Friday, August 9, 2019

Implementation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Implementation - Research Paper Example Poor training will mean that the people who are supposed to be using the system are in the dark in the running of the system. They need to be part of the implementers of the system rather than being mere spectators (Graham, 2009). For Aux Bons Soins to go through in the implementation process of the system, they need to have all the data that need to be captured in the system in place. The data should not have any signs of redundancy. They should be as clean as a possible. There should be modules in place that will be used in the various sectors like the finance module, the human resource and the payroll system. The placing of these systems in place will make integration of the systems to be simple (Graham, 2009). Challenges of implementing ERP There are various challenges that are experienced in implementing an ERP system. This was experienced with the implementation of ERP in Aux Bons Soins. The main causes for the difficulties of the implementation are that of lack of support from the top management. Initially, there was a lack of understanding of the system with the top management. The top management was not supportive of the implementation of the new system. They did not think that the system will solve the problems of the various departments. This therefore affected the way finances were distributed and the way funding was undertaken. Without enough financial resources, a new system will not be implemented well. This was a major issue with the implementation of ERP system in Aux Bons Soins (Graham, 2009). Another source of the difficulty was the lack of cohesion between the various departments in the organization. Since the ERP system will be used to serve various processes in the whole organization, there is a need to have a unified process and one vision of the whole organization. There was a problem with the whole organization as the various departments in the organization had varying views (Young, 2009). This is something that made the implementation process hard. If the system would be implemented in one department or fewer departments, the problem could be avoided and the implementation would be a lot easier. Each department has developed their own objectives. This is making the whole process difficult. This made unifying the whole implementation process a tedious process. ERP systems serve many departments and; this is unlike other systems which are used to manage one process which affects one or two departments (Graham, 2009). Another issue and source of difficulties in the process were the technical compatibility with the other systems which have been running in the organization. It was hard for the technical department to unify the technical modules so that there is one system and the compatibility with the various processes that are found in the different departments. This is one cause of the difficulties which were found in the various departments (Graham, 2009). Key elements which led to success One of the key factors t hat will determine the success of an ERP is the project management. This is the application of the skills and knowledge so that the coordination of the schedules and activity monitoring is achieved. The plan for project management involves the definition of the activities that will be performed, assigning of personnel to those activities, and promoting the acceptability of the process in the system. There is also the very important factor of business process reengineering. This is the

The american civil war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The american civil war - Essay Example At the same time the power that was accorded to the slave owners at this time in the national politics arena became waned while on the other hand the North and South were having divergent economies being developed (Griess 56). These situations could not help in any way to hold back the civil war from coming to a reality in America. In this paper, it is these specific events that led to the American Civil War that have been clearly analyzed so as to draw clearly the picture that gave rise to the Civil War. Sectionalism The different customs, social structure, economies and the political values that marked the North and the South are what historians have named as sectionalism this was a phase that increased rapidly during the years 1800 and 1860, a period during which the North was phasing out slavery from existence as urbanization, industrialization and prosperous farms was what was taking over in the North. On the other hand, the South was putting more emphasis on plantation agricult ure whose main basis was slavery alongside subsistence farming that was a characteristic of the whites who were poor. It has been argued out that this striking difference that existed between the industrialized North and the agricultural South could have been a cause of the war. During the year 1851, many states that were in the South held constitutional conventions so as to have a forum to put into consideration the issues of secession and nullification (Griess 61). The Southern conventions had been dominated by Unionists as they voted down the secession articles. This was only with the exception of the South Carolina whose election convention offered no any option for â€Å"no secession†. The Southern Carolina instead offered room for the option only with the collaboration of other states within the region. As a matter of fact, the two party systems that had remained relatively stable during the period between 1820 and 1850 were being compromised by the fact that there was rapid mass democracy that was extending to the North and South. Free Labor vs. Slave Labor It is argued by historians that a free labor ideology had been made to dominate the Northern region, a fact that had ensured that economic opportunities were created in more proportions as compared to the Southern Americans who described free labor as being greasy mechanics. The Southerners strongly opposed the issue of free labor alongside the homestead laws that had been proposed to be offered to the free farms in the west. This was in fear of the fact that the small farmers who were in the region would be influenced into opposing the plantation slavery. It was as a result of this main ideology that the Southerners mainly represented by Calhoun argued the fact that slavers in itself was a â€Å"positive good† (Griess 40). As a matter of fact, the view that was held by the Southerners argued that slavery brought more civilization, morality and intellectuality to the people who were for tunate enough to be chosen as slaves. Missouri Compromise 1820 Uproar was created by James Tallmadge, Jr. Of New York when he brought the proposition that had two amendments to a particular bill aiming at admitting Missouri as a free state to the Union. The first amendment mainly involved